pelvic floor therapy services
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Urinary incontinence (leakage)
Bowel incontinence (leakage)
Urinary urgency + frequency
Pelvic pain- pain with sex, vaginisumus, pain with insertion
SIJ, hip, low back pain
C-section recovery
Core weakness
Diastasus Rectus Abdominus (DRA)- abdominal separation
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (bladder, bowel, rectum, uterine)
Scar tissue
Hormone/cycle wellness
Peri + Post-menopausal pelvic health concerns
Pregnancy/postpartum prep and concerns
Pregnancy + Postpartum
Pregnancy + Labor Prep
Typically includes 4-6 visits throughout pregnancy​
Labor and pushing positions
Mental/emotional preparation for delivery
Addressing restrictions
Pregnancy Concerns
Core weakness​
Pelvic pain
With intercourse​
Pubic bone pain
SIJ Pain
Vulvar varicosities
Guidelines for return to activities​
Helpful postpartum prep tools​
Postpartum check-up
Scar tissue massage and mobility​
Treatment of weakness, pain, etc as needed
C-section recovery
Pelvic Pain
Pain with insertion
Pain with intercourse
Chronic Pelvic Pain
Pain to scar tissue
Painful menstruation/periods
Tailbone pain
Pubic bone pain
Pain during pregnancy
Sciatica/pain down the leg
Hip/low back pain
Abdominopelvic pain
Peri & Postmenopausal Concerns
Vaginal dryness
Pain with intercourse or insertion
Resources to assist with concerns
It is never too late to start!!!
Core weakness
Pelvic floor weakness
Urinary leakage
Bowel dysfunction
New onset prolapse symptoms
Vaginal atrophy
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Symptoms include:
Heaviness at vaginal entrance​
Bulging of pelvic organs
Treatment options:
Pelvic floor therapy​
Pessary use
Other options we will discuss in office!
Cycle & Hormone Wellness
Review lifestyle and habits to assist with restoration of normal cycles
Visceral mobilizations and therapy to assist with reducing adhesions and improving blood flow to pelvic organs
Assist with regulation of cycles
Provide resources if further intervention/testing is needed
what's happening on socials
contact us
We would love to help you on your journey. Please reach out with any questions! If you're ready to book, you can register through the online link below, or call/text our office administrator!
Phone: ‪(417) 414-0782‬
Fax: 417-221-4108
Hours: By appointment - call or text to schedule
Location: 5000 N 22nd St, Ozark, MO 65721